from the Chairman

"The challenges facing our industry and the world at large are significant, but I am confident that with the dedication of our employees, the support of our stakeholders, and the guidance of our Board, Rössing Uranium will continue to lead by example in sustainability and perform"


Dear Stakeholders

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the Rössing Uranium Sustainability and Performance Report for the year 2023. This report captures the values and principles on which Rӧssing Uranium Limited operates and thrives.

In a world characterised by rapid change and evolving expectations, Rössing Uranium remains steadfast in its dedication to sustainable practices, responsible stewardship, and operational excellence. The company remains a leader in the corporate governance space in Namibia. Highlights of the 2023 year included the adoption of King IV, as well as excellent operational and financial performances.

The year 2023 was marked by both challenges and opportunities, and I am pleased to report that Rössing Uranium navigated these with resilience, agility, and unwavering commitment to our core values. From advancing our sustainability initiatives to driving performance improvements across our operations, every step we took was guided by a steadfast commitment to creating value for our stakeholders while minimising our environmental footprint.

In this report, you will find a comprehensive overview of our sustainability performance, including key achievements, milestones, and areas for improvement. From our efforts to enhance safety and wellbeing in our workforce, to our initiatives aimed at reducing environmental impact and fostering community development, each section of this report reflects our unwavering dedication to sustainable practices and responsible business conduct.

As we reflect on the achievements of the past year, we also look forward with optimism and determination to the opportunities that lie ahead. The challenges facing our industry and the world at large are significant, but I am confident that with the dedication of our employees, the support of our stakeholders, and the guidance of our Board, Rössing Uranium will continue to lead by example in sustainability and performance excellence.

The Board congratulates the management team and all Rӧssing employees on the exceptional 2023 performance.


Steve Galloway
Board Chairperson