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Jesaya Matheus and Alina Armas are the Rössing national marathon champions

Namibia Correctional Service’s Jesaya Matheus and Namibia Defence Force Alina Arams emerged victorious at the 34th Rössing National Marathon, on Saturday 8 March 2025 in Swakopmund.

Making his debut in the 42.2km, Matheus led the pack with Tangeni Sakaria and Enock Haufiku,
who finished the race in 02:15:52.

Veteran runner and 10-times Rössing marathon champion, Armas seemed not in competition with her fellow runners, who trailed behind her, as she finished strong in 02:45:31. Speaking at the event, Rössing Uranium’s managing director Johan Coetzee congratulated the over 2000 runners who completed their races in the 3 different race categories of 42.2km, 21.1km and 10km.

“The Rössing marathon is one of our Corporate Social Responsibility events hosted at the beginning of the year and has become a popular event on the sporting calendar in Namibia, which draws runners of all skill levels, from seasoned professionals to enthusiastic amateurs,” he said.

As the sole sponsor of the popular road running event on the Athletics Namibia calendar, Coetzee said, Rössing does not seek commercial benefits through its social investment; instead, at the heart of the mine’s approach is a commitment to do the right thing. “We operate under the premise that doing the right thing by the community compliments doing the right thing for the business and for our shareholders.”

“The Rössing Marathon is one of our key annual social investment initiatives, and the entry fees of the 10km Run, together with the Marathon and Half-Marathon, are donated to the Swakop Striders Athletics Club, in support of the development of local and especially less-privileged athletes, while all the entry fees collected for the 5km Fun Walk, goes directly to the Cancer Association of Namibia in the fight against cancer,” he added.


42km Gender Results
21km Gender Results
10km Gender Results

Rössing Corporate Communications team

Daylight Ekandjo
Manager: Corporate Communications

Kaino Ilovu
Advisor Corporate Communication
Tel: +264 520 2436

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