Focusing on issues that matters most

Sustainable development is the distinct, significant and characteristic centre of our overall approach to business. The six sub-themes that drive the integration of sustainable development at Rössing Uranium are highlighted below. These themes form the framework on which our business is conducted.

Everything we do is in line with the generally accepted definition of sustainable development: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

This suggests that meeting the needs of future generations depends on how well we balance social, economic and environmental needs when making decisions today.

The aim of sustainable development is therefore to seek out win-win situations that can achieve environmental quality, as well as increase economic wealth and social wellbeing, in the present and the future.


To provide the best returns on our shareholders’ investments, we need to understand the long-term demand for our product, as well as the cost, resource availability and value creation associated with that demand. Economic viability also ensures that we continue to make significant contributions to Namibia’s economy and her people in various ways.

Product and Environmental Stewardship

Product Stewardship
Product stewardship focuses on expanding our understanding of the impact of our product on society by working with all affected parties.

Environmental and Asset Resources Stewardship
We aim to be the leader in environmental stewardship in Namibia and to maintain our reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. This can be achieved by understanding and appreciating our natural resources, both biotic and abiotic, utilising them sustainably, and creating a net positive impact.


Corporate governance and compliance
We strive to be transparent and proactive in all our business operations. To this end, we have auditable business systems in place, which form the backbone of good corporate governance.


Our workforce is central to our business. This means ensuring a safe and healthy workplace geared for human resources development to attract and retain employees, while maximising our contribution to their wellbeing.

We implement long-term community development plans to focus on improvement in quality of life, as operating within a sustainable community provides our business with distinct benefits, and an important part of this is good community relations.